ISPkeeper Now Performs a Fourth Daily Backup to Google Cloud

21 August, 2024
Google Cloud
We continue to innovate and improve our solutions to offer you the best possible protection for your data.

At anatod ® we are committed to the security and reliability of our clients' data. As part of our ongoing effort to improve information protection, we are pleased to announce a new feature in our ISPkeeper system: a fourth daily database backup, now stored in Google Cloud.

What does this mean for you?

The addition of a fourth daily backup provides an extra layer of security, ensuring your data is even more protected against any eventuality. This new backup is in addition to the three daily backups already performed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), increasing redundancy and protection of your data.

Why Google Cloud?

Google Cloud is globally recognized for its advanced infrastructure, enterprise-grade security, and compliance with rigorous international standards. By storing this fourth backup on Google Cloud, we complement our backup strategy on AWS, leveraging the best of both platforms to offer you comprehensive and robust protection.

How does it work?

ISPkeeper now performs four daily database backups. The first three are stored on Amazon Web Services, taking advantage of the reliability and scalability of AWS. The fourth backup is stored directly on Google Cloud, diversifying storage locations and platforms to maximize security and ensure that there is always a copy ready to be restored, no matter the circumstances.

With this new daily backup on Google Cloud, along with the three backups on AWS, ISPkeeper reinforces its commitment to the security and peace of mind of our customers.